Mobility pricing - Metro Vancouver - Congestion Pricing

How should road congestion in Metro Vancouver be priced?

Livable Cities

If you ever find yourself at a random party in Metro Vancouver and are struggling to make conversation, asking about the region’s traffic woes is a guaranteed ticket for a lively debate. Metro Vancouver has some of the worst traffic in Canada, and is intensifying with the region’s rapid population growth and confined geography. The […]

Congestion pricing and air pollution - cleaner air

Holding your breath for cleaner air: congestion pricing and air pollution

Livable Cities

Last November, we released a report on how pricing congestion—charging drivers to use roads to ensure faster and more reliable commutes—can help solve crippling congestion in Canadian cities. Governments can design congestion pricing systems according to different objectives; we argued that the number one priority should be to reduce congestion in order to use road […]

household fairness

What share of carbon pricing revenues are needed to do no harm?

Climate and Energy

In our previous blog, we explored how carbon pricing is expected to affect households with different income-levels in different provinces. Here, we discuss how different revenue recycling options affect fairness for low-income households, and what share of provincial carbon pricing revenues would be needed to avoid unfairly burdening them. Revenue recycling options for making carbon […]

Household Fairness of Carbon Pricing

Household Fairness of Carbon Pricing

Climate and Energy

The Ecofiscal Commission recently released a research paper on provincial carbon pricing and household fairness to complement our broader report, Choose Wisely, which looks at how provinces could use carbon revenue. The research team’s next three blogs will lean on both reports to explore different dimensions of household fairness of carbon pricing. To start, this […]

How varied road tolls can reduce congestion: A closer look at Highway 407 in Ontario

Livable Cities

Last November the Ecofiscal Commission released its report on congestion pricing in Canadian cities. Road congestion is getting worse in many Canadian cities—big and small—and we believe that congestion pricing is the crucial and missing piece of a broader, coordinated package of policies to improve urban mobility. Momentum is already underway: the Ontario government is […]