Think big, start small: Eliminating traffic in Canada’s biggest cities by putting a price on it

Livable Cities

Imagine your daily commute with no traffic. Cars, buses, and trucks still fill the roads, but everyone is moving at speed. Instead of taking half-an-hour to get to school, the office, or worksite, you get there in a cool 10 minutes. Your coffee or tea is still piping hot when you arrive. This future is […]

Carbon pricing works—even if emissions are still rising

Climate and Energy

An old, debunked argument against carbon taxes has flared up recently: If total emissions aren’t falling, the tax must not be working. Let’s quash that myth. We at the Ecofiscal Commission and others have written extensively and consistently on this subject (see here, here, here). Without new policies, emissions have been trending up. But bending […]

The coalition government in British Columbia released its own newly-minted CleanBC strategy

Ramping up: Ambitious climate policy returns to British Columbia

Climate and Energy

It’s been a pivotal few weeks for provincial climate policy. Ontario released its new climate strategy last week, scaling back provincial targets and replacing its cap-and-trade system with a mix of regulations, subsidies, and a pricing system for heavy emitters. Yesterday, the coalition government in British Columbia released its own newly-minted CleanBC strategy. Happy holidays, […]

Uber traffic: Ride-sharing offers new opportunities for comprehensive congestion pricing

Livable Cities

The ride-sharing debate is alive and well in B.C. The provincial government is holding a series of public hearings about whether, and under what conditions, ride-sharing services should be allowed. Amid questions about passenger safety, impacts on the taxi industry, and personal mobility, there are concerns that ride-sharing could also make traffic worse in Metro […]

A Price for All Seasons: Tofino’s Journey to Water Security

Livable Cities Water

Dry summers are the norm in British Columbia, especially of late. They can mean anything from forest fires to low crop yields to water scarcity. To prepare for the inevitability of future droughts, BC municipalities are taking innovative approaches to conserve their water. Today, as part of our new report that highlights 10 municipal best […]

Opinion: Ending tolls provides a clean slate for mobility pricing in Metro Vancouver

Livable Cities

At first blush, the provincial government’s decision to remove tolls on the Port Mann and the Golden Ears bridges looks like a setback for tackling Metro Vancouver’s crippling traffic. Tolls provide a clear incentive to drive less, take transit or drive at different times. It seems like the province has shifted into reverse. But dropping […]