Why carbon pricing remains the smartest policy tool

Climate and Energy

In the organization’s final report, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission underlines carbon pricing is the lowest-cost option for meeting emissions targets. In the wake of the federal election, it is clear that Canadians want more action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Stronger policies will be essential to achieve our 2030 Paris Accord target for GHG reductions. With […]

So, about that “trillion trees” study…

Climate and Energy

Last week, the journal Science published a new study on forest restoration and the role it could play in reducing atmospheric greenhouse gases. The findings generated a lot of eye-grabbing headlines, many of which were incomplete, hyperbolic, or downright misleading. It’s a complicated study with important findings and caveats. This blog will dig into a […]

Climate change puts health at risk and economists have the right prescription

Climate and Energy Pollution

by Chris Ragan & Courtney Howard Doctors and economists may seem like strange partners. We spend our days working on very different problems in very different settings. But climate change has injected a common and urgent vocabulary into our work. We find ourselves agreeing both about the nature of the problem and the best solution. […]

No, Canada cannot get credit for its low-carbon exports

Climate and Energy Technology and Innovation

The federal government has recently announced that it intends to seek credit toward Canada’s emissions reduction targets for the GHG-reducing effects of Canadian exports. It argues that supplying Canadian clean energy such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) can reduce other countries’ emissions by displacing more emissions-intensive energy sources such as coal. Minister of Natural Resources Amarjeet […]