biofuel subsidies

Should we take a closer look at biofuels subsidies?

Climate and Energy

The fall harvest is upon us. Crisp air, pumpkin spice lattes, and flannel shirts are in full swing. But as the final crops are harvested before the winter frost, it’s an ideal time to reflect on an industry that consumes a significant portion of Canada’s corn, wheat, and soybeans—conventional biofuels. Conventional biofuel production—which includes ethanol […]

Carbon Offsets

Four Things You Should Know about Carbon Offsets

Climate and Energy

Last week, Ontario and Quebec announced that they’d be collaborating on a carbon offset system as part of their respective cap-and-trade policies. What’s an offset, you ask? And what are the implications of this provincial tag-team, you wonder? As usual, the Ecofiscal blog has you covered. 1. What a Carbon Offset is and How it […]

Stormwater fees can reduce loss of clean water

How to Stop Turning Valuable Clean Water into Costly Stormwater

Livable Cities Water

Canada’s infrastructure deficit continues to make headlines in the country. The requirement to maintain and build new infrastructure offers an opportunity to think about the interplay between the environmental impacts of our infrastructure, the means by which we pay for these infrastructure and their environmental costs (sounds pretty ecofiscal to me!). This weeks’ blog looks […]

Albert's Climate Change Leadership Document, including carbon pricing policy - blog by Dale Beugin

Alberta looks for a way forward on carbon

Climate and Energy

We’ve written before about why Alberta should move forward with carbon pricing policy, but also take the time to get design details right. So far, so good. Having already appointed economist Dr. Andrew Leach to chair an advisory panel, last Friday the province released its Climate Leadership Discussion document, kicking-off Alberta’s consultation process as it […]