A final note on Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission

Climate and Energy Livable Cities Pollution

This week, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission released its final report. While we have a few loose ends to tie up in 2020, the report signals the end of our research mandate. Over the last five years, we’ve contributed to policy conversations across Canada about water, waste, traffic, risk, and climate change. I’d like to think that […]

New Brunswick embraces carbon pricing; it should choose wisely

Climate and Energy

Last week, in response to the results of the federal election, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs announced he would look at options for implementing a carbon price in his province. It’s a policy shift that embraces a core principle of the Pan-Canadian Framework: provinces creating their own, tailored approach to pricing carbon. A made-in-New-Brunswick approach […]

Canada’s wisest policy: stealing policies from other countries

Climate and Energy

Canada has a rich tradition of thievery – and it’s a good thing we do. Much of our success comes from adopting sound policies that have already proven successful elsewhere. We implemented employment insurance in 1935, a full 15 years after it was introduced in Britain. We achieved universal health care in the early 1970s, […]

Reducing environmental risks from mining in British Columbia


Next month marks the five-year anniversary of the Mount Polley mining disaster. On August 4th, 2014, a dam at the mine ruptured, releasing 24 million cubic metres of water and mine tailings into several lakes and rivers in British Columbia’s Interior. We have written before about how putting a price on the risk of mining […]