Dick Lipsey, green growth, no growth,

Growth in the Developed Countries: Do we need it and can we sustain it?

Technology and Innovation

The Ecofiscal Commission believes that our economies can continue to grow, even as we improve the environment by polluting less and using our natural resources more efficiently. We recognize that this position rubs up against a live and interesting debate often characterized as “growth vs no growth”. While the Ecofiscal Commission’s work does not address […]

Dominic Barton - global managing director of McKinsey & Company global managing director of McKinsey & Company - speaking about cap-and-trade

Competing in a cap-and-trade environment

Climate and Energy

Panel discusses how Ontario’s new system will create both opportunities and challenges The following article summarizing the Ecofiscal Commissions’ event with the Martin Prosperity Institute on cap-and-trade was first published by the REMI Network. On April 13, the Ontario government announced its commitment to a cap-and-trade system to reduce the province’s 165 megatonnes of annual […]