Carbon pricing works in Sweden

Climate and Energy

Governments around the world are embracing carbon pricing as a central component of their strategies to reduce GHG emissions. Ecofiscal’s latest report highlights why and how carbon pricing works, with case studies from British Columbia, California and the UK. Today, we’ll build on those three and dust off a case study on Sweden, which has […]

Clean Fuel Standard; Carbon pricing; Complementary policies; Cost-effectiveness; Jürgen Sandesneben

Cost Control: The cost-effectiveness of a Clean Fuel Standard

Climate and Energy

by Dale Beugin and Nic Rivers The most significant greenhouse gas policy you’ve probably never heard of—the federal Clean Fuel Standard (CFS)—is being developed this winter and throughout 2018. The federal government is looking for substantial emissions reductions from the policy. But a key question is how much will those emissions reductions cost? Could other […]