Canada's Ecofiscal Commission Annual Report 2014-2015

Annual Report 2015: Letter from the Chair

Climate and Energy Livable Cities Pollution

As an economist, I believe that good policy is central to prosperity. That was the idea behind Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission. We would be economists first and foremost, providing sound policy advice on how strong economies and healthy environments are interdependent. It turned out that other people shared this belief. When funding from some of Canada’s […]

Ontario HOT lane pilot project - congestion pricing

Ontario’s Coming HOT Lane Pilot Project

Livable Cities

Late last year, Ontario announced the details of two high-occupancy toll (HOT) lane projects as a means to improve traffic flow in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The Province will start by implementing a HOT lane—a hybrid of a tolled road and a high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane—as a pilot project on a busy stretch of […]

Carbon pricing - pricing pollution

Statement: Road Back from Paris is Critical for Canadian Carbon Pricing Policies

Climate and Energy

Today, Monday November 23, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with First Ministers to discuss Canada’s climate change strategy one week before the Paris Climate Summit. This meeting comes one day after the unveiling of Alberta’s climate strategy, which includes an economy-wide carbon price of $30/tonne by 2018. Statement from Chris Ragan: Alberta’s Carbon Price Step […]

Does carbon pricing hit lower-income families harder?

Give it to me straight: does a carbon tax hit lower-income families harder?

Climate and Energy

by Mel Cappe It’s a good question: if we tax carbon, will lower-income Canadians end up paying proportionately more than their wealthier neighbours? Let’s start by looking at the objective of a carbon tax. What we’re trying to do is make sure people consider the real cost of using fossil fuels, including the environmental cost […]

Picture for 4 things Ontario's cap-and-trade system must get right

Four things Ontario’s cap-and-trade plan must get right

Climate and Energy

This Globe Debate piece about Ontario’s forthcoming cap-and-trade system by Chris Ragan and Paul Boothe originally appeared in the Globe and Mail on April 16, 2015. This week, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne made a major announcement in the battle against climate change: Ontario will join Quebec and California in a “cap and trade” system to […]