A dragon sits on a hilled landscape, polluting factories to its left and clean technologies to its right

China’s sprawling approach to climate policy

Climate and Energy

It is indisputable that getting global emissions under control requires getting China’s emissions under control. So what is China doing about it? Not only is the nation of 1.4 billion getting serious about climate change, its policy approach often resembles Canada’s. The details warrant careful unpacking. Here is the present and future of China’s climate […]

electric cars

Can subsidies for electric vehicles “boost the signal” from carbon pricing?

Climate and Energy Technology and Innovation

Québec car buyers might have more than one reason to consider an electric vehicle (EV). For one, Québec’s cap-and-trade system increases the cost of gasoline. But the province also provides a cash rebate for going electric. Does that combination makes for good policy? Does Québec — or for that matter, any other province — need […]

Self-driving cars: A techno-utopia or an eco-nightmare?

Climate and Energy Livable Cities Pollution Technology and Innovation

by Simon Altman Elon Musk recently announced that Tesla will have a fully autonomous car ready by 2020, and Tesla is not alone. As this technology moves from dream to reality, some have started to discuss the opportunities it will present, while others are stuck dwelling on the risks. In this blog we explore these […]

Revenue recycling - carbon pricing - clean-tech research and development

How to price carbon so that emissions go down and citizens don’t go crazy*

Climate and Energy

by PJ Partington and Vicky Sharpe Our next report will explore the challenges and opportunities with different approaches to recycling revenues from carbon pricing. To better understand the trade-offs associated with each revenue recycling option, we commissioned a set of six papers authored by some of Canada’s leading policy thinkers. What are the advantages of […]

Is Green (Tech) the new Black(berry)? Environmental Goods and Canada’s Competitiveness

Climate and Energy Technology and Innovation

by Richard Lipsey and Céline Bak What will it take to remain competitive in a rapidly changing global economy? There are likely many answers to that question, but one is certain: innovation. It is a key factor of success in the world’s most competitive economies. This is a challenge for Canada. We currently fall near […]