Carbon pricing and the oil and gas sector, Alberta's Family Business - oil sands

What is the impact of a carbon price on the oil and gas sector?

Climate and Energy

Never before has so much public attention focused on the evolution of Alberta’s climate policy. In this 3-part video blog series, Chris Ragan tackles some of the stickiest questions we’re often asked about the relationship between carbon pricing and the oil and gas sector, Alberta’s “family business.” In the lead up to the major global […]

Advancing the climate debate in Canada - Chris Ragan CIGI talk -blog and video about provincial carbon pricing

Advancing the climate debate in Canada

Climate and Energy

The following is a cross-posted blog from by Erin Baxter, Public Affairs Coordinator and Kevin Dias, Communications Specialist. We can have our cake and eat it too, said Chris Ragan, Canadian economist and chair of Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission. Speaking at CIGI as part of the Signature Lecture Series, Ragan discussed a radically practical approach […]

Carbon pricing revenue - Ontario estimate - cap-and-trade

Carbon pricing revenue: Let me count the ways

Climate and Energy

Every so often, the research team here at Ecofiscal will venture out into the blogosphere. Sometimes, we’ll share additional analysis that didn’t quite make it to a report. Sometimes, we’ll elaborate on more technical ideas or data that the main reports consider only briefly. And sometimes, we’ll just take the opportunity to be unabashedly #wonkish. […]

Does carbon pricing hit lower-income families harder?

Give it to me straight: does a carbon tax hit lower-income families harder?

Climate and Energy

by Mel Cappe It’s a good question: if we tax carbon, will lower-income Canadians end up paying proportionately more than their wealthier neighbours? Let’s start by looking at the objective of a carbon tax. What we’re trying to do is make sure people consider the real cost of using fossil fuels, including the environmental cost […]

Harnessing Market Mechanisms for Environmental Conservation in the Oil Industry

Climate and Energy Technology and Innovation

By Preston Manning The following are excerpts from remarks made by Preston Manning to the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) on April 27th, 2015 in St. John’s. Recently I was asked to be one of a number of advisors to what is called the Ecofiscal Commission – a group of twelve independent […]