Carbon pricing - COP21 - Paris - UNFCCC

There and Back Again: Subnational, National, and International Climate Policy

Climate and Energy

by Dale Beugin, Research Director The road to Paris and the 2015 UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) seems to be increasingly crowded. It starts with the provinces. Ontario is working out the details of its cap-and-trade partnership with Quebec, and new recommendations are imminent from both Alberta’s and BC’s expert advisory panels. That road […]

Ontario - carbon pricing - cap-and-trade

How does Ontario’s Cap and Trade Program Design Options consider competitiveness pressures?

Climate and Energy

Today, let’s talk about competitiveness pressures on industry under carbon pricing and how carbon pricing policy can be designed to address these concerns. And in particular, let’s take a look at how Ontario’s draft proposal for its cap-and-trade system considers these challenges. I’ll get (a little bit) into the weeds, but the implications are quite […]

Nova Scotia Carbon Pricing and Carbon Competitiveness

Carbon pricing would help position Nova Scotia to thrive in a low-carbon world

Climate and Energy

So far Nova Scotia hasn’t played a prominent role in Canadian climate change discussions. With a population of less than one million, and relatively modest industrial activity, provincial emissions represent roughly 3% of the Canadian total. Indeed, few outside the ocean-front province are aware that Nova Scotia is one of the only provinces expected to […]