Carbon pricing - COP21 - Paris - UNFCCC

There and Back Again: Subnational, National, and International Climate Policy

Climate and Energy

by Dale Beugin, Research Director The road to Paris and the 2015 UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) seems to be increasingly crowded. It starts with the provinces. Ontario is working out the details of its cap-and-trade partnership with Quebec, and new recommendations are imminent from both Alberta’s and BC’s expert advisory panels. That road […]

Ontario - carbon pricing - cap-and-trade

How does Ontario’s Cap and Trade Program Design Options consider competitiveness pressures?

Climate and Energy

Today, let’s talk about competitiveness pressures on industry under carbon pricing and how carbon pricing policy can be designed to address these concerns. And in particular, let’s take a look at how Ontario’s draft proposal for its cap-and-trade system considers these challenges. I’ll get (a little bit) into the weeds, but the implications are quite […]

Carbon pricing - pricing pollution

Statement: Road Back from Paris is Critical for Canadian Carbon Pricing Policies

Climate and Energy

Today, Monday November 23, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with First Ministers to discuss Canada’s climate change strategy one week before the Paris Climate Summit. This meeting comes one day after the unveiling of Alberta’s climate strategy, which includes an economy-wide carbon price of $30/tonne by 2018. Statement from Chris Ragan: Alberta’s Carbon Price Step […]

Carbon Offsets

Four Things You Should Know about Carbon Offsets

Climate and Energy

Last week, Ontario and Quebec announced that they’d be collaborating on a carbon offset system as part of their respective cap-and-trade policies. What’s an offset, you ask? And what are the implications of this provincial tag-team, you wonder? As usual, the Ecofiscal blog has you covered. 1. What a Carbon Offset is and How it […]

Albert's Climate Change Leadership Document, including carbon pricing policy - blog by Dale Beugin

Alberta looks for a way forward on carbon

Climate and Energy

We’ve written before about why Alberta should move forward with carbon pricing policy, but also take the time to get design details right. So far, so good. Having already appointed economist Dr. Andrew Leach to chair an advisory panel, last Friday the province released its Climate Leadership Discussion document, kicking-off Alberta’s consultation process as it […]

Carbon pricing: carbon tax vs. cap-and-trade

Similarities and Differences between Carbon Tax and Cap-and-Trade Systems

Climate and Energy

The following blog was originally published on the Network for Business Sustainability blog, on August 10, 2015. Know What to Expect from Cap-and-Trade or a Carbon Tax The carbon conversation is shifting. It’s no longer about whether to put a price on carbon; it is about how to do it. In Canada, Ontario is gearing […]