Provincial Carbon Pricing and Competitiveness Pressures - Ecofiscal Commission - carbon competitiveness

Getting the Facts on Carbon Pricing and Business Competitiveness

Climate and Energy

By Chris Ragan, Chair, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission The Ecofiscal Commission’s first carbon pricing report, The Way Forward, made the case that provincial carbon pricing leadership is both a practical and effective way to make urgent climate policy strides. But different carbon prices raise valid concerns about business competitiveness. Today we’re releasing new research to shed […]

Congestion pricing - Montreal, Quebec

Getting traffic moving in Montreal

Livable Cities

On November 2nd, the Ecofiscal Commission launched its latest report We Can’t Get There from Here: Why Pricing Congestion is Critical to Beating It. The report explains how we can’t simply build our way out of congestion; we also need to consider incentives. The report’s central recommendation is that Canada’s four largest cities run congestion […]

Congestion pricing

Think before you toll

Livable Cities

On November 2nd, we released our congestion pricing report We Can’t Get There from Here: Why Pricing Congestion is Critical to Beating It. Guest blogger Jean-François Barsoum, Senior Managing Consultant, Smarter Cities, Water and Transportation, Innovation, Research & Development at IBM, gives us his opinion on congestion charging. by Jean-François Barsoum Implementing congestion charging is […]

Congsetion Pricing in Calgary - Deerfoot Trail - HOT lanes

How to beat traffic in Calgary?

Livable Cities

Last week, the Ecofiscal Commission launched its latest report We Can’t Get There from Here: Why Pricing Congestion is Critical to Beating It. The report explains how we can’t simply build our way out of congestion, we also need to consider incentives. The report’s central recommendation is that Canada’s four largest cities run congestion pricing […]