Ontario - carbon pricing - cap-and-trade

How does Ontario’s Cap and Trade Program Design Options consider competitiveness pressures?

Climate and Energy

Today, let’s talk about competitiveness pressures on industry under carbon pricing and how carbon pricing policy can be designed to address these concerns. And in particular, let’s take a look at how Ontario’s draft proposal for its cap-and-trade system considers these challenges. I’ll get (a little bit) into the weeds, but the implications are quite […]

Nova Scotia Carbon Pricing and Carbon Competitiveness

Carbon pricing would help position Nova Scotia to thrive in a low-carbon world

Climate and Energy

So far Nova Scotia hasn’t played a prominent role in Canadian climate change discussions. With a population of less than one million, and relatively modest industrial activity, provincial emissions represent roughly 3% of the Canadian total. Indeed, few outside the ocean-front province are aware that Nova Scotia is one of the only provinces expected to […]

Carbon pricing - pricing pollution

Statement: Road Back from Paris is Critical for Canadian Carbon Pricing Policies

Climate and Energy

Today, Monday November 23, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with First Ministers to discuss Canada’s climate change strategy one week before the Paris Climate Summit. This meeting comes one day after the unveiling of Alberta’s climate strategy, which includes an economy-wide carbon price of $30/tonne by 2018. Statement from Chris Ragan: Alberta’s Carbon Price Step […]

competitiveness effects from provincial carbon pricing

Carbon pricing can balance emissions reduction and competitiveness

Climate and Energy

In the run-up to the Paris climate meetings, several Canadian provinces are developing or improving their carbon pricing policies. They should be applauded for using market-based approaches to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But businesses are nonetheless worried about how they will be affected, and this is too important an issue for governments to sweep under […]

Carbon pricing in Alberta - carbon competitiveness

Smart Carbon Policy for Alberta: reducing emissions AND addressing competitiveness

Climate and Energy

Alberta is about to release details of its new climate action strategy. Given the nature of Alberta’s economy, getting these details right is critical. In particular, the question of carbon competitiveness matters for Alberta more than any other province. But here’s the thing: policy can be designed to reduce emissions in Alberta and address competitiveness […]