climate policy

Fixing a hole: The role of gap-fillers in a climate policy package

Climate and Energy Pollution

In our latest report, Supporting Carbon Pricing, we delve into complementary climate policies – that is, non-pricing policies that do things carbon pricing cannot. There are three different types of policies that can genuinely complement carbon pricing: gap-fillers, signal-boosters, and benefit-expanders. Today, in the first of a series of three blogs, we look at gap-fillers. […]

policy interactions

Policy interactions untangled: Carbon pricing and low-carbon fuel standards

Climate and Energy

Canada will have a nationwide carbon price by 2018. As such, it’s time to think about how carbon pricing interacts with other, non-pricing climate policies. Ecofiscal’s latest report, considers how the right non-pricing policies can support carbon pricing in driving low-cost emissions reductions… but also how the wrong policies can undermine carbon pricing. In this blog, I […]

lower GHG emissions

How emitters respond to carbon pricing and to revenue recycling

Climate and Energy Pollution Technology and Innovation

A carbon price pretty clearly creates incentives for emitters to produce fewer GHG emissions. But there’s more than one way to reduce emissions. In today’s blog, I’m going to dig into the vault, and pull out an old piece of modelling analysis that didn’t quite make it into our reports, because it was a little […]

Photo of 417 highway in Ottawa for Paved Paradise: Could congestion pricing work in Ottawa?

Paved Paradise: Could congestion pricing work in Ottawa?

Livable Cities Pollution

Two weeks ago, the Healthy Transportation Coalition (HTC) held a forum at the University of Ottawa. The subject: congestion pricing in our nation’s capital. The HTC hosted six expert speakers for a lively debate (including our research team’s fearless leader, Dale Beugin). The same day, four Ottawa city councillors released a new report on congestion […]