The Way Forward for Ontario: Design Principles for Ontario’s New Cap-and-Trade System - Ecofiscal Commission - June 2015. La voie à suivre pour l’Ontario : Principes d’élaboration du nouveau système ontarien de plafonnement et d’échange

Way Forward for Ontario: Design Principles for Ontario’s New Cap-and-Trade System

Climate and Energy

Join the live webcast of The Competitiveness Question: Business opportunities and challenges in a cap-and-trade environment tonight, June 3rd, at 5pm EDT. Research Brief Executive Summary Over the next year, Ontario will design and implement a cap-and-trade system for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Much public discussion has focused on the effectiveness of cap-and-trade as an […]

Can We Tackle Traffic Congestion & Climate Change with the Same Policy? Some Grist for the Mill

Climate and Energy Livable Cities

On this #WonkWednesday we explore the weird policy space between congestion pricing and carbon pricing. This recent Grist article by Ben Adler poses the important question: how best do we align our transportation policies with our climate goals? In doing so, Adler debates the merits of potential distance-based road charging versus existing gas taxes. But […]

No Need to Choose Between a Carbon Price and the Oil Patch. Photo by Jeff Wallace; see

No Need to Choose Between a Carbon Price and the Oil Patch

Climate and Energy

Happy #WonkWednesday! The piece below was originally published in the May 2015 issue of Alberta Oil Magazine. Wonkier readers also should not miss Andrew Leach’s more in-depth economic analysis of the impact of greenhouse gas regulations on oil sands development. Yes, there’s a chart. Many people concerned about climate change favour “carbon pricing” as an […]