A Price for All Seasons: Tofino’s Journey to Water Security

Livable Cities Water

Dry summers are the norm in British Columbia, especially of late. They can mean anything from forest fires to low crop yields to water scarcity. To prepare for the inevitability of future droughts, BC municipalities are taking innovative approaches to conserve their water. Today, as part of our new report that highlights 10 municipal best […]

water user fees

TLDR: How user fees can improve the environmental and financial sustainability of municipal water and wastewater services


It’s easy to forget how important municipal water and wastewater services are in our daily lives. These complex systems treat and deliver water for millions of Canadian households and businesses—vital to our health, the economy, and the environment. Yet municipal water systems across Canada face significant challenges. The Ecofiscal Commission’s latest report, Only the Pipes […]

In the Zone: Stockholm’s congestion pricing system holds important lessons for Canada’s cities

Climate and Energy Livable Cities Pollution

Congestion pricing is gaining traction in Canadian cities. Following Mayor John Tory’s recommendation for tolls on two of Toronto’s major roads, let’s take this opportunity to look at congestion policies from around the world, with lessons and takeaways for Canada (drawing from our report on congestion pricing from last year). First up: Stockholm’s zone-based pricing […]

Stormwater fees can reduce loss of clean water

How to Stop Turning Valuable Clean Water into Costly Stormwater

Livable Cities Water

Canada’s infrastructure deficit continues to make headlines in the country. The requirement to maintain and build new infrastructure offers an opportunity to think about the interplay between the environmental impacts of our infrastructure, the means by which we pay for these infrastructure and their environmental costs (sounds pretty ecofiscal to me!). This weeks’ blog looks […]