A light rail transit car in Calgary on a fall day

How carbon dividends affect incentives (hint: they don’t)

Climate and Energy

Clean Prosperity and EnviroEconomics published a report recommending the federal government rebate carbon-pricing revenues directly to households. The key takeaway: Implementing a carbon price and issuing these ‘carbon dividends’ could make a majority of Canadian households better off. It’s a valuable finding. But you might ask: What’s the point if you’re just giving the money […]

Understanding the recent changes to the federal carbon price

Climate and Energy

Earlier this week, we learned that the federal government is making some changes to its carbon pricing system; specifically, the part that will apply to industrial sectors. While the design choice is an important one, its significance has been blown out of proportion. Let’s take a look at the change and what it means. A […]

output-based allocations

Explaining Output-Based Allocations (OBAs)

Climate and Energy Technology and Innovation

Last week the federal government unveiled a proposal for the carbon levy that it plans to apply in provinces that don’t implement their own carbon price. Under the federal instrument, most types of emissions would pay the full value of the carbon tax. But large emitters that face global competition would only pay part of […]

lower GHG emissions

How emitters respond to carbon pricing and to revenue recycling

Climate and Energy Pollution Technology and Innovation

A carbon price pretty clearly creates incentives for emitters to produce fewer GHG emissions. But there’s more than one way to reduce emissions. In today’s blog, I’m going to dig into the vault, and pull out an old piece of modelling analysis that didn’t quite make it into our reports, because it was a little […]