Provincial Carbon Pricing and Competitiveness Pressures - Ecofiscal Commission - carbon competitiveness

Getting the Facts on Carbon Pricing and Business Competitiveness

Climate and Energy

By Chris Ragan, Chair, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission The Ecofiscal Commission’s first carbon pricing report, The Way Forward, made the case that provincial carbon pricing leadership is both a practical and effective way to make urgent climate policy strides. But different carbon prices raise valid concerns about business competitiveness. Today we’re releasing new research to shed […]

TLDR: The low-down on our latest report about congestion pricing

Livable Cities

The Ecofiscal Commission’s latest report makes the case for implementing congestion pricing pilot projects in Canadian cities. In case you don’t have time to read the report, here are the findings in a nutshell. The new report, We Can’t Get There from Here: Why Pricing Traffic Congestion Is Critical to Beating It, describes why congestion […]

The Way Forward for Ontario: Design Principles for Ontario’s New Cap-and-Trade System - Ecofiscal Commission - June 2015. La voie à suivre pour l’Ontario : Principes d’élaboration du nouveau système ontarien de plafonnement et d’échange

Way Forward for Ontario: Design Principles for Ontario’s New Cap-and-Trade System

Climate and Energy

Join the live webcast of The Competitiveness Question: Business opportunities and challenges in a cap-and-trade environment tonight, June 3rd, at 5pm EDT. Research Brief Executive Summary Over the next year, Ontario will design and implement a cap-and-trade system for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Much public discussion has focused on the effectiveness of cap-and-trade as an […]

provincial carbon pricing - Canada

The inside scoop on our new report

Climate and Energy

The question is not if Canada needs to lower greenhouse gas emissions, but rather when and how. The answer is now—through provincial carbon pricing. You can almost hear it. The loud crack of a middle ground erupting, cutting through the din of Canada’s polarized economy-versus-environment debate on climate change. What’s brought it to the surface? A broadening agreement among Canadians that “doing nothing” […]

Canada can do better

Climate and Energy Pollution

This piece originally appeared in the January 2015 edition of Policy Options. Canadians enjoy an enviable standard of living, yet we can do even better. Putting ecofiscal policies in place are key to Canada improving its management of natural assets and ensuring sustained prosperity. Measurement is crucial for policy-makers: it helps identify gaps, as well […]


TLDR: Research from our First Report in a Nutshell

Climate and Energy Pollution

The Ecofiscal Commission’s first report makes the case for implementing ecofiscal policies in Canada. In case you don’t have time to read the full report, this blog distills the essentials. Our overall conclusion is simple: Smart environmental policy makes economic sense for Canada. In short, the benefits of such policies exceed the costs. Still, there’s […]