carbon pricing Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia in carbon-pricing caboose

Climate and Energy

This expert opinion piece on carbon pricing in Nova Scotia by Elizabeth Beale and Chris Ragan originally appeared in the Chronicle Herald on June 2, 2015. You don’t need to explain the connection between the economy and the environment to a Nova Scotian. Where livelihoods have long been affected by changes in the ocean, the […]

Jean Charest on carbon pricing in Quebec

Opinion: Quebec’s carbon pricing system could be a model for other provinces

Climate and Energy

This oped on Quebec’s carbon pricing system by Jean Charest and Chris Ragan originally appeared in the Montreal Gazette on April 8, 2015. In poll after poll, Quebecers rate the highest in Canada in their understanding of climate change and their support for action to address it. We take pride in this, and are recognized […]

écofiscalité - villes durables

Building Sustainable Cities in Quebec: Ecofiscal opportunities for municipalities in the 21st century

Livable Cities Technology and Innovation Water

On Tuesday, January 27th, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission held an event at the Faculty Club in Montreal with SWITCH: L’Alliance pour une économie verte au Québec. Below is Chris Ragan’s speech. Merci beaucoup Monsieur Simard. Bonjour à tous, et bienvenue a l’université McGill—ma maison intellectuelle. I’m so looking forward to today’s panel discussion. The issue is […]