Some provinces have implemented policies to reduce green house gas emissions

On Provincial Climate Policy and Early Action

Climate and Energy Pollution

When it comes to provincial climate policy, not every province is starting from the same place. Some, for example, have previously implemented policies to reduce GHG emissions. Should provinces be able to use these “early actions” to justify implementing less stringent carbon pricing policies now? In short, no. Here’s a slightly wonkish explainer. How to […]

Pricing risk to the environment works best when it’s fair


Our latest report Responsible Risk explains how putting a price on risk to the environment can make disasters less likely. The report shows how we can use economic tools to strengthen companies’ incentives to manage environmental risks posed by their operations. In this blog, I’ll discuss why when it comes to risk pricing, one size […]

alberta coal electricity

Alberta’s coal phase-out as a benefit-expanding policy

Climate and Energy Pollution

Alberta’s Climate Leadership Plan is more than a carbon tax. It is a package of policies designed to reduce emissions. One of the cornerstones of this policy package is the phase-out of coal-fired electricity by 2030. But to what extent does this policy genuinely complement Alberta’s carbon price? Today, building on our previous blogs on […]

output-based allocations

Explaining Output-Based Allocations (OBAs)

Climate and Energy Technology and Innovation

Last week the federal government unveiled a proposal for the carbon levy that it plans to apply in provinces that don’t implement their own carbon price. Under the federal instrument, most types of emissions would pay the full value of the carbon tax. But large emitters that face global competition would only pay part of […]