federal-provincial coordination - carbon pricing policies

The Many Pieces of Canada’s Federal-Provincial Climate Puzzle

Climate and Energy

Federal and provincial ministers will be meeting early in March to discuss how best to move forward with coherent policies aimed at reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. Despite plenty of enthusiasm from the new federal government and a few provinces, the task ahead is daunting, and hard work will be required to sort through the many complex […]

competitiveness effects from provincial carbon pricing

Carbon pricing can balance emissions reduction and competitiveness

Climate and Energy

In the run-up to the Paris climate meetings, several Canadian provinces are developing or improving their carbon pricing policies. They should be applauded for using market-based approaches to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But businesses are nonetheless worried about how they will be affected, and this is too important an issue for governments to sweep under […]

carbon pricing will help to secure alberta's economic future

Why carbon pricing will help to secure Alberta’s economic future

Climate and Energy

As Alberta’s new government assembles its troops and redesigns its policies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the need for greater environmental protection will be an obvious rallying cry. But Premier Rachel Notley should also be sure to make the case that pricing carbon emissions is very much in Alberta’s economic interests. Many will wonder whether […]