Jean Charest on carbon pricing in Quebec

Opinion: Quebec’s carbon pricing system could be a model for other provinces

Climate and Energy

This oped on Quebec’s carbon pricing system by Jean Charest and Chris Ragan originally appeared in the Montreal Gazette on April 8, 2015. In poll after poll, Quebecers rate the highest in Canada in their understanding of climate change and their support for action to address it. We take pride in this, and are recognized […]

waste - pricing pollution - polluter pay

Tossing it out of sight, out of mind

Livable Cities

The following is the waste excerpt from The Policy Opportunity of Our Generation: Ecofiscal Reform in Canada’s Provinces and Cities, published in Public Sector Digest, February 2015, and made available online January 15th. This is the final of a four-part blog series that highlights how ecofiscal policies can help cities and provinces conserve water, fight […]

fighting traffic with congestion pricing

Fighting traffic with congestion pricing

Livable Cities

The following is an excerpt from The Policy Opportunity of Our Generation: Ecofiscal Reform in Canada’s Provinces and Cities, published in Public Sector Digest, February 2015, and made available online January 15th. This is the third of a four-part blog series that highlights how ecofiscal policies can help cities and provinces conserve water, fight traffic […]

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