This is a debate worth having: A response to Andrew Jackson

Climate and Energy Technology and Innovation

Earlier this week, Andrew Jackson, senior policy advisor to the Broadbent Institute, wrote a thoughtful and constructively critical analysis of the Ecofiscal Commission’s first report. My first response is: thank you, Andrew. Jackson’s piece epitomizes the much-needed evolution of the debate around climate policy in Canada. It moves us squarely to the discussion we should […]

Mike Harcourt “Sustainability Fanatic” says Cities are Where the Rubber hits the Road

Climate and Energy Livable Cities Pollution Water

When it comes to facing the twin pressures of economic health and environmental sustainability, our cities are where the rubber hits the road. Few people know this better than Mike Harcourt, self-described “sustainability fanatic” and the former Mayor of Vancouver and Premier of British Columbia. As Mike notes, the majority of Canadians live in cities […]

Mintz and Williams: Continuing Canada’s Tradition of Smart Fiscal Policy: ecofiscal policies

Mintz and Williams: Continuing Canada’s Tradition of Smart Fiscal Policy

Climate and Energy Pollution

This oped by Jack Mintz and Steven Williams originally appeared in the Calgary Herald on November 4, 2014 As the world becomes increasingly open to policies addressing economic growth, innovation and environmental quality, increased attention has been paid to what might be called “ecofiscal” policies: levies used to reduce environmental degradation. Canada has good reason […]


TLDR: Research from our First Report in a Nutshell

Climate and Energy Pollution

The Ecofiscal Commission’s first report makes the case for implementing ecofiscal policies in Canada. In case you don’t have time to read the full report, this blog distills the essentials. Our overall conclusion is simple: Smart environmental policy makes economic sense for Canada. In short, the benefits of such policies exceed the costs. Still, there’s […]