Provincial Carbon Pricing and Competitiveness Pressures - Ecofiscal Commission - carbon competitiveness

Getting the Facts on Carbon Pricing and Business Competitiveness

Climate and Energy

By Chris Ragan, Chair, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission The Ecofiscal Commission’s first carbon pricing report, The Way Forward, made the case that provincial carbon pricing leadership is both a practical and effective way to make urgent climate policy strides. But different carbon prices raise valid concerns about business competitiveness. Today we’re releasing new research to shed […]

Cap-and-trade in Ontario

Real Talk on Competitiveness and Cap-and-Trade: Expert Panel Recap

Climate and Energy

On Wednesday, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission and the Martin Prosperity Institute co-hosted a panel discussion at the Rotman School of Management. The Subject: The Competitiveness Question—Business opportunities and challenges in a cap-and-trade environment. What happens when you ask cap-and-trade experts from California, Massachusetts and Quebec to discuss Ontario’s upcoming cap-and-trade system? You get an intelligent and […]

Hurt or Help? Carbon Pricing and the Global Competitiveness of Canadian Oil - Alberta - SGER

Hurt or Help? Carbon Pricing and the Global Competitiveness of Canadian Oil

Climate and Energy

Never before has so much public attention focused on the evolution of Alberta’s climate policy. In this 3-part video blog series, Chris Ragan tackles some of the stickiest questions we’re often asked about the relationship between carbon pricing and the oil and gas sector, Alberta’s “family business.” In the lead up to the major global […]

Is Green (Tech) the new Black(berry)? Environmental Goods and Canada’s Competitiveness

Climate and Energy Technology and Innovation

by Richard Lipsey and Céline Bak What will it take to remain competitive in a rapidly changing global economy? There are likely many answers to that question, but one is certain: innovation. It is a key factor of success in the world’s most competitive economies. This is a challenge for Canada. We currently fall near […]