A final note on Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission

Climate and Energy Livable Cities Pollution

This week, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission released its final report. While we have a few loose ends to tie up in 2020, the report signals the end of our research mandate. Over the last five years, we’ve contributed to policy conversations across Canada about water, waste, traffic, risk, and climate change. I’d like to think that […]

Problematic new study overestimates effects of carbon pricing in Canada

Climate and Energy

Yesterday, the Conference Board of Canada released an analysis of the impacts of carbon pricing on Canadian industry called Tipping the Scales: Assessing carbon competitiveness and leakage potential for Canada’s EITEIs. The report explains and unpacks some key nuances around competitiveness and leakage. But shortcomings in its framing and methodology ultimately detract from its accuracy […]

Introducing TIER – Alberta’s new approach to pricing industrial GHG emissions

Climate and Energy

Yesterday, the government of Alberta unveiled the details of its planned Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction Regulation (TIER for short). TIER will put a price on industrial GHG emissions in the province, replacing the previous government’s Carbon Competitiveness Incentive Regulation (CCIR). How does the policy design stack up?  In this blog, I review some of […]

Carbon pricing deserves an honest debate

Climate and Energy

Yesterday, the Fraser Institute released an analysis of the impacts of the federal carbon price. Specifically, it examines the effects on business competitiveness. Carbon pricing is new to most Canadians, and we should have a full, honest discussion about this policy, backed by sound evidence and data. Unfortunately, the Fraser Institute’s analysis contains some serious […]

A pulp and paper mill in New Brunswick

Exception to the Rule: Why New Brunswick’s Industrial Carbon Pricing System is Problematic

Climate and Energy

New Brunswick’s draft carbon pricing plan for big emitters came out last week, and it raises some interesting and important questions. As Ecofiscal has noted before, well-designed “output-based carbon pricing systems” are a good way to reduce emissions and protect businesses’ competitiveness. We’ve argued that providing targeted support for “emissions-intensive and trade-exposed” industries is a […]

How can the West work with China on climate change?

Climate and Energy

Climate change is a global problem requiring global cooperation. The world’s biggest emitter is making progress, but has much more to do. Given the whole world has a stake in accelerating its decarbonization, how can Canada (and the West) help China reduce emissions? Let’s take a look at our wonderful array of options—from exports to […]