Quebec Floods - 2017 - Image from Coastal Elite on Flickr

The costs of climate change are rising

Climate and Energy

Debate about reducing Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions frequently references the costs of different policy choices going forward. There is comparatively little debate about the current and expected economic costs of climate change. Policy debate and decisions need to recognize that there is a cost to doing little or nothing to curb emissions. Real and rising […]

Opinion: The real costs and benefits of carbon pricing

Climate and Energy

Yes, carbon pricing, like all climate policies, will have economic costs. But that doesn’t mean we should take no policy action. Last week saw lots of talk around the economic costs of carbon pricing. In one sense, that’s appropriate. In fact, policy costs are exactly why economists like carbon pricing—because it can reduce greenhouse gas […]

Albertans are environmentalists (even if they don’t know it)

Climate and Energy Livable Cities Pollution

Canada is a decentralized, sparsely populated and very, very big country. Cultures and attitudes are often regional. Provinces don’t always see eye to eye. As an Albertan living in Ontario, these challenges have become evident in my ongoing dialogue with Albertans—especially when it comes to climate and carbon pricing. It can, on occasion, feel like we […]