Albert's Climate Change Leadership Document, including carbon pricing policy - blog by Dale Beugin

Alberta looks for a way forward on carbon

Climate and Energy

We’ve written before about why Alberta should move forward with carbon pricing policy, but also take the time to get design details right. So far, so good. Having already appointed economist Dr. Andrew Leach to chair an advisory panel, last Friday the province released its Climate Leadership Discussion document, kicking-off Alberta’s consultation process as it […]

free trade and carbon pricing

Smooth transition needed for carbon pricing and free trade

Climate and Energy

Even if we weren’t in the middle of a federal election campaign, there would be several important policy issues being discussed this summer. One of the big ones is Canada’s part in the negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free-trade agreement with several Pacific Rim countries. Another is the development of carbon-pricing policies in Ontario […]

Carbon pricing: carbon tax vs. cap-and-trade

Similarities and Differences between Carbon Tax and Cap-and-Trade Systems

Climate and Energy

The following blog was originally published on the Network for Business Sustainability blog, on August 10, 2015. Know What to Expect from Cap-and-Trade or a Carbon Tax The carbon conversation is shifting. It’s no longer about whether to put a price on carbon; it is about how to do it. In Canada, Ontario is gearing […]

Premiers negotiated a Canadian Energy Strategy at the Council of the Federation Meeting in July 2015

The Canadian Energy Strategy: Big Ideas But Light on the Details

Climate and Energy

Two weeks ago in St. John’s, the provincial and territorial Premiers struck a historic deal on a national Canadian energy strategy. While it’s a critical first step in establishing common ground across provinces, much needs to be done to define concrete actions. Economic growth, prosperity, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility. These are the tenets of […]

Steve Wiliams, President and CEO of Suncor Energy, speaking at the Ecofiscal Commission event in Calgary May 22

Video blog: Alberta Carbon Pricing featuring Steve Williams, Chris Ragan, and Jim Dinning

Climate and Energy

On Friday, May 22, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission and Suncor co-hosted a panel discussion in Calgary, Alberta: In This Together—Carbon Pricing and Alberta’s Family Business. What follows are videos of the event, including the keynote address by Steve Williams, President and CEO of Suncor Energy, the presentation by Chris Ragan, Chair of the Ecofiscal Commission, and […]

carbon pricing Nova Scotia

Serious consideration of carbon pricing is warranted in every province

Climate and Energy

On Friday, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission and the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council  co-hosted a panel discussion in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Subject: The Business of Carbon Pricing in Atlantic Canada. The following blog highlights some of Chris Ragan’s remarks and the Q&A that followed the panel discussion, which featured David Wheeler, President of Cape Breton University, […]