Opinion: Carbon pricing can reduce GHG emissions and maintain healthy economic performance, but only if done right

Climate and Energy

Carbon pricing is coming to the Atlantic provinces. They are part of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (PCF), which kicks in by 2018 and requires carbon pricing across the country. This is a good thing: a decade of experience in Canadian provinces shows that carbon pricing can reduce GHG emissions and […]

Nova Scotia - Atlantic Canada - Carbon pricing

Peter Nicholson on Recycling Revenue from Carbon Pricing in Nova Scotia

Climate and Energy

by Peter Nicholson On April 14th we held a live panel discussion: The Revenue Recycling Opportunity for Atlantic Canada. Peter Nicholson was one of our panellists. Here are his opening remarks. In Nova Scotia, the prevailing attitude toward carbon pricing lies somewhere between skeptical and outright hostile. So there is a steep hill to climb […]