Dominic Barton - global managing director of McKinsey & Company global managing director of McKinsey & Company - speaking about cap-and-trade

Competing in a cap-and-trade environment

Climate and Energy

Panel discusses how Ontario’s new system will create both opportunities and challenges The following article summarizing the Ecofiscal Commissions’ event with the Martin Prosperity Institute on cap-and-trade was first published by the REMI Network. On April 13, the Ontario government announced its commitment to a cap-and-trade system to reduce the province’s 165 megatonnes of annual […]

Steve Wiliams, President and CEO of Suncor Energy, speaking at the Ecofiscal Commission event in Calgary May 22

Video blog: Alberta Carbon Pricing featuring Steve Williams, Chris Ragan, and Jim Dinning

Climate and Energy

On Friday, May 22, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission and Suncor co-hosted a panel discussion in Calgary, Alberta: In This Together—Carbon Pricing and Alberta’s Family Business. What follows are videos of the event, including the keynote address by Steve Williams, President and CEO of Suncor Energy, the presentation by Chris Ragan, Chair of the Ecofiscal Commission, and […]

carbon pricing Nova Scotia

Serious consideration of carbon pricing is warranted in every province

Climate and Energy

On Friday, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission and the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council  co-hosted a panel discussion in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Subject: The Business of Carbon Pricing in Atlantic Canada. The following blog highlights some of Chris Ragan’s remarks and the Q&A that followed the panel discussion, which featured David Wheeler, President of Cape Breton University, […]

carbon pricing Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia in carbon-pricing caboose

Climate and Energy

This expert opinion piece on carbon pricing in Nova Scotia by Elizabeth Beale and Chris Ragan originally appeared in the Chronicle Herald on June 2, 2015. You don’t need to explain the connection between the economy and the environment to a Nova Scotian. Where livelihoods have long been affected by changes in the ocean, the […]