Household Fairness of Carbon Pricing

Household Fairness of Carbon Pricing

Climate and Energy

The Ecofiscal Commission recently released a research paper on provincial carbon pricing and household fairness to complement our broader report, Choose Wisely, which looks at how provinces could use carbon revenue. The research team’s next three blogs will lean on both reports to explore different dimensions of household fairness of carbon pricing. To start, this […]

Nova Scotia - Atlantic Canada - Carbon pricing

Peter Nicholson on Recycling Revenue from Carbon Pricing in Nova Scotia

Climate and Energy

by Peter Nicholson On April 14th we held a live panel discussion: The Revenue Recycling Opportunity for Atlantic Canada. Peter Nicholson was one of our panellists. Here are his opening remarks. In Nova Scotia, the prevailing attitude toward carbon pricing lies somewhere between skeptical and outright hostile. So there is a steep hill to climb […]

Choosing Wisely: Nova Scotia

Climate and Energy

Has a swell of support for carbon pricing been building in Nova Scotia? In 2014, the Roundtable on Environment and Sustainable Prosperity recommended the consideration of implementing a provincial or regional revenue-neutral carbon tax. Similar recommendations were echoed by the NS Tax and Regulatory Review. The idea of an Atlantic carbon pricing system across multiple […]

debt - revenue recycling

Choosing Wisely: Ontario

Climate and Energy

In February, Ontario released the details of its planned cap-and-trade program. The program will launch in January 2017, eventually linking with Quebec and California’s systems in 2018. In the first year of operation, it is expected to raise $1.9 billion per year, given that allocations are being provided for free to large industrial emitters, thus […]