Unpacking the WCI: Hangin’ tough

Climate and Energy

Over the past couple of months our summer blog series Unpacking the Western Climate Initiative has taken a look under the hood of California, Québec and Ontario’s integrated cap-and-trade system. In this final installment, we review what we’ve learned and take a look at some recent developments that have been in the headlines. Overall, we […]

Bonne Chance, Paul Lanoie

Climate and Energy

Ecofiscal would like to congratulate Paul Lanoie on his appointment to the position of Sustainable Development Commissioner for the province of Quebec. As of September 6, 2016, Paul will be monitoring the implementation of Quebec’s Sustainable Development Act. We would like to acknowledge and thank Paul for all his hard work at the Commission. As an […]

complementary climate policies

Unpacking the WCI: Backhanded complements?

Climate and Energy

As we’ve noted in our summer blog series, California has a cap-and-trade system. But it’s also got a low-carbon fuel standard. And a renewable electricity portfolio standard. And vehicle emissions performance standards. And a swath of other policies to reduce GHG emissions. In fact, the California Air and Resources Board estimates that these “complementary climate […]

Comparing Stringency of Carbon Pricing Policies

TLDR: Comparing Stringency of Carbon Pricing Policies

Climate and Energy

We have a new report out this week on comparing the stringency of provincial carbon pricing policies. In case you don’t have time to read it all, this blog provides quick overview of the essentials. Be sure to check out the full report for (much) more detail. Comparing stringency is important… but trickier than it […]

California WCI

Unpacking the WCI: Balancing stability and flexibility

Climate and Energy

In the previous instalment of our summer blog series Unpacking the Western Climate Initiative (WCI), we took a look at the legal uncertainty facing the California cap-and-trade system, one of two key drivers of the recent undersubscribed allowance auctions. In this blog we’ll look at the second driver—permit oversupply—and why the smart design of the […]