New Brunswick embraces carbon pricing; it should choose wisely

Climate and Energy

Last week, in response to the results of the federal election, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs announced he would look at options for implementing a carbon price in his province. It’s a policy shift that embraces a core principle of the Pan-Canadian Framework: provinces creating their own, tailored approach to pricing carbon. A made-in-New-Brunswick approach […]

Introducing TIER – Alberta’s new approach to pricing industrial GHG emissions

Climate and Energy

Yesterday, the government of Alberta unveiled the details of its planned Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction Regulation (TIER for short). TIER will put a price on industrial GHG emissions in the province, replacing the previous government’s Carbon Competitiveness Incentive Regulation (CCIR). How does the policy design stack up?  In this blog, I review some of […]

Carbon pricing deserves an honest debate

Climate and Energy

Yesterday, the Fraser Institute released an analysis of the impacts of the federal carbon price. Specifically, it examines the effects on business competitiveness. Carbon pricing is new to most Canadians, and we should have a full, honest discussion about this policy, backed by sound evidence and data. Unfortunately, the Fraser Institute’s analysis contains some serious […]