
TLDR: Research from our First Report in a Nutshell

Climate and Energy Pollution

The Ecofiscal Commission’s first report makes the case for implementing ecofiscal policies in Canada. In case you don’t have time to read the full report, this blog distills the essentials. Our overall conclusion is simple: Smart environmental policy makes economic sense for Canada. In short, the benefits of such policies exceed the costs. Still, there’s […]

ecofiscal video - Chris Ragan - Ecofiscal Commission - ecofiscal policies

Economic and Environmental Prosperity? Yes. We Can Have Both.

Climate and Energy Pollution

The existing national discussion surrounding Canada’s economy and environment assumes a fork in the road ahead. One path leads to good jobs and profitable businesses; the other to a clean environment and sustainable natural resources. No one really wants to choose between those futures, for themselves or their children. Like a growing number of economists, I […]