Carbon pricing deserves an honest debate

Climate and Energy

Yesterday, the Fraser Institute released an analysis of the impacts of the federal carbon price. Specifically, it examines the effects on business competitiveness. Carbon pricing is new to most Canadians, and we should have a full, honest discussion about this policy, backed by sound evidence and data. Unfortunately, the Fraser Institute’s analysis contains some serious […]

Canada’s wisest policy: stealing policies from other countries

Climate and Energy

Canada has a rich tradition of thievery – and it’s a good thing we do. Much of our success comes from adopting sound policies that have already proven successful elsewhere. We implemented employment insurance in 1935, a full 15 years after it was introduced in Britain. We achieved universal health care in the early 1970s, […]

Carbon pricing works in Japan

Climate and Energy Livable Cities

Cities stand on the front lines of climate change. They’re responsible for over 70% of global emissions and they’ll bear the brunt of damages that result. They’re also laboratories for climate policy, from ultra-low emissions zones to net-zero buildings to literal urban jungles, and now, carbon pricing. As part of our long-standing series on international […]