Smooth sailing: Distance-travelled charges offer a flexible policy tool to tackle traffic

Livable Cities Pollution

The topics of congestion pricing and tolling are heating up in a number of Canadian jurisdictions, most recently in Nova Scotia. We are taking the opportunity to shine a light on various forms of congestion pricing, based on our 2015 report We Can’t Get There From Here. This blog discusses distance-travelled charges, an approach that […]

Some like it HOT: High-occupancy toll lanes can be a piece of the congestion puzzle

Climate and Energy Livable Cities Pollution

Last month, Toronto’s plan to implement road tolls on two of its major roads was rejected by the provincial government. It’s not back to square one, however: programs to combat congestion in the GTA continue to grow. Today, as part of a series based on our 2015 report on congestion pricing, we’re discussing high-occupancy toll […]

Driving change: Carbon pricing and the transportation sector

Climate and Energy

North American transportation systems have been shaped by cheap and abundant fossil fuels, and so too have our travel habits. Unlike other sectors of the economy that have viable low-carbon alternatives, fossil fuels are still the dominant fuel source for how we move around. And let’s face it, some people need to drive and don’t […]