There’s probably more consensus on output-based pricing than you think

Climate and Energy

Meeting Canada’s climate targets in a way that is best for our economic prosperity requires broad policy that creates consistent incentives across all emissions in the economy, from individual households and small businesses to heavy industry. Output-based pricing must be a key part of that mix if Canada is to strike the right balance between […]

Understanding the recent changes to the federal carbon price

Climate and Energy

Earlier this week, we learned that the federal government is making some changes to its carbon pricing system; specifically, the part that will apply to industrial sectors. While the design choice is an important one, its significance has been blown out of proportion. Let’s take a look at the change and what it means. A […]

Canadian parliament

Why 1.6% matters

Climate and Energy

Canadians have strong moral and economic arguments for reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. But how could Canada’s seemingly minor share of global emissions (about 1.6%) possibly be of consequence? What do our actions matter? Quite a bit, actually, and we can slice the data in different ways to show why. The big picture Humanity collectively […]

Clean Fuel Standard; Carbon pricing; Complementary policies; Cost-effectiveness; Jürgen Sandesneben

Cost Control: The cost-effectiveness of a Clean Fuel Standard

Climate and Energy

by Dale Beugin and Nic Rivers The most significant greenhouse gas policy you’ve probably never heard of—the federal Clean Fuel Standard (CFS)—is being developed this winter and throughout 2018. The federal government is looking for substantial emissions reductions from the policy. But a key question is how much will those emissions reductions cost? Could other […]

Output-based pricing in the real world

Climate and Energy Technology and Innovation

This week, Alberta released its Carbon Competitiveness Incentive policy, which lays out the mechanics of its output-based pricing (OBP) system. We’ve talked a lot of about output-based pricing (also known as “output-based allocations” or OBAs) here at Ecofiscal as a sensible way to maintain incentives to reduce emissions, while also addressing concerns around leakage and […]

pricing emissions

Is Canada’s carbon-pricing policy striking the right balance?

Climate and Energy

by Chris Ragan, Peter Robinson and Steve Williams Debates about Canadian climate policy attract people from different perspectives and life experiences – including the three authors of this column. What views could we possibly share regarding sensible climate policy? Heading up an environmental organization, Peter Robinson understandably emphasizes the urgent need to act decisively to […]