Carbon pricing stringency

Stringency: How Strong is Your Carbon Policy? (Do the Math)

Climate and Energy

Every so often, the research team here at Ecofiscal will venture out into the blogosphere. Sometimes, we’ll share additional analysis that didn’t quite make it to a report. Sometimes, we’ll elaborate on more technical ideas or data that the main reports consider only briefly. And sometimes, we’ll just take the opportunity to be unabashedly #wonkish. […]

Climate change impacts are significant

Act Now or Pay a Lot More Later: The Need for Urgent Action

Climate and Energy

Our climate is changing and the impacts on our economy and wellbeing are large and growing more so every day. Strong policy measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are needed by all countries say world leaders, the International Energy Agency, United Nations, World Bank, thousands of scientists, and Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission. Climate change not only […]

Jean Charest on carbon pricing in Quebec

Opinion: Quebec’s carbon pricing system could be a model for other provinces

Climate and Energy

This oped on Quebec’s carbon pricing system by Jean Charest and Chris Ragan originally appeared in the Montreal Gazette on April 8, 2015. In poll after poll, Quebecers rate the highest in Canada in their understanding of climate change and their support for action to address it. We take pride in this, and are recognized […]

PRESS RELEASE: Economic policy experts available for comment on Ontario’s cap-and-trade announcement

Climate and Energy

Toronto, April 13, 2015 —Economists from Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission are available to provide insight into the economic and environmental context of Ontario’s newly announced cap-and-trade commitment, and the factors that may determine its effectiveness as a carbon-pricing policy. Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission is an independent group of leading economists from across the country focused on advancing […]