Annual Report 2019: Letter from the Chair

Climate and Energy Livable Cities Pollution Water

This marks our final annual report, as the Commission comes to the end of our five-year mandate. In 2019, our work focussed once again on carbon pricing — a topic we first addressed in 2014 and have returned to regularly. Since our launch, the political landscape around carbon has changed significantly — and so has […]

A final note on Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission

Climate and Energy Livable Cities Pollution

This week, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission released its final report. While we have a few loose ends to tie up in 2020, the report signals the end of our research mandate. Over the last five years, we’ve contributed to policy conversations across Canada about water, waste, traffic, risk, and climate change. I’d like to think that […]

Can we improve the efficiency of carbon pricing and regulations?

Climate and Energy

The release of our final report yesterday highlighted Canada’s options for bridging the gap to its 2030 targets. Bottom line? There are only a finite number of approaches. We have regulations, subsidies, and carbon pricing. But the details of how governments design and implement those policies matters just as much as the choice of approach. […]

Why carbon pricing remains the smartest policy tool

Climate and Energy

In the organization’s final report, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission underlines carbon pricing is the lowest-cost option for meeting emissions targets. In the wake of the federal election, it is clear that Canadians want more action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Stronger policies will be essential to achieve our 2030 Paris Accord target for GHG reductions. With […]

Problematic new study overestimates effects of carbon pricing in Canada

Climate and Energy

Yesterday, the Conference Board of Canada released an analysis of the impacts of carbon pricing on Canadian industry called Tipping the Scales: Assessing carbon competitiveness and leakage potential for Canada’s EITEIs. The report explains and unpacks some key nuances around competitiveness and leakage. But shortcomings in its framing and methodology ultimately detract from its accuracy […]