Hurt or Help? Carbon Pricing and the Global Competitiveness of Canadian Oil - Alberta - SGER

Hurt or Help? Carbon Pricing and the Global Competitiveness of Canadian Oil

Climate and Energy

Never before has so much public attention focused on the evolution of Alberta’s climate policy. In this 3-part video blog series, Chris Ragan tackles some of the stickiest questions we’re often asked about the relationship between carbon pricing and the oil and gas sector, Alberta’s “family business.” In the lead up to the major global […]

Carbon pricing and the oil and gas sector, Alberta's Family Business - oil sands

What is the impact of a carbon price on the oil and gas sector?

Climate and Energy

Never before has so much public attention focused on the evolution of Alberta’s climate policy. In this 3-part video blog series, Chris Ragan tackles some of the stickiest questions we’re often asked about the relationship between carbon pricing and the oil and gas sector, Alberta’s “family business.” In the lead up to the major global […]

Harnessing Market Mechanisms for Environmental Conservation in the Oil Industry

Climate and Energy Technology and Innovation

By Preston Manning The following are excerpts from remarks made by Preston Manning to the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) on April 27th, 2015 in St. John’s. Recently I was asked to be one of a number of advisors to what is called the Ecofiscal Commission – a group of twelve independent […]

Aligning Aspirations: An Ecofiscal Approach to the GHG Challenge

Climate and Energy

On Wednesday, March 11th, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission held an event in Edmonton with the Canada West Foundation. Below is Chris Ragan’s speech. Thank you very much Trevor, and thanks also to the Canada West Foundation, which has been an invaluable partner in bringing this event together. As Trevor mentioned, the Ecofiscal Commission launched last November. […]