Going ahead with the city-wide organics collection program also offers significant benefits.

Wasted efficiency: Saskatoon is moving in the wrong direction on waste management

Livable Cities

Saskatoon is backpedalling on smart waste policy. Bold initiatives were approved in 2018 to reduce landfilled waste and save money, but Council seems to be hitting the brakes. Ignoring Saskatoon’s waste management problem isn’t going to make it go away, however. In fact, further delay will just cost the city—and its residents—more. Problem on the […]

Artificially cheap: Why landfills should charge the full cost of waste disposal

Livable Cities

The last blog in our solid waste series explored how charging households directly for their garbage can make municipal collection systems more efficient. But household waste represents only one-third of Canada’s total solid waste. Two-thirds is industrial and commercial waste, most of which is taken directly to local landfills. This blog looks at the importance […]

Alberta falling behind in making manufacturers reduce waste

Livable Cities

Here’s an unpopular opinion: we should spend more time thinking about garbage. After all, waste management services are essential for Albertans. But they’re also not free. A new report from Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission argues that we can do better. With better waste policies, we can make our waste system more efficient, ultimately saving us money. […]