Cap-and-trade in Ontario

Real Talk on Competitiveness and Cap-and-Trade: Expert Panel Recap

Climate and Energy

On Wednesday, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission and the Martin Prosperity Institute co-hosted a panel discussion at the Rotman School of Management. The Subject: The Competitiveness Question—Business opportunities and challenges in a cap-and-trade environment. What happens when you ask cap-and-trade experts from California, Massachusetts and Quebec to discuss Ontario’s upcoming cap-and-trade system? You get an intelligent and […]

The Way Forward for Ontario: Design Principles for Ontario’s New Cap-and-Trade System - Ecofiscal Commission - June 2015. La voie à suivre pour l’Ontario : Principes d’élaboration du nouveau système ontarien de plafonnement et d’échange

Way Forward for Ontario: Design Principles for Ontario’s New Cap-and-Trade System

Climate and Energy

Join the live webcast of The Competitiveness Question: Business opportunities and challenges in a cap-and-trade environment tonight, June 3rd, at 5pm EDT. Research Brief Executive Summary Over the next year, Ontario will design and implement a cap-and-trade system for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Much public discussion has focused on the effectiveness of cap-and-trade as an […]

Carbon pricing in Alberta - panel discussion "In This Together: Carbon Pricing and Alberta's Family Business" May 22, Calgary

Climate “Lovefest” in Calgary? Alberta’s New Carbon Pricing Conversation

Climate and Energy

Last week, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission and Suncor co-hosted a panel discussion in the heart of downtown Calgary. The Subject: In This Together—Carbon Pricing and Alberta’s Family Business. What happens when you ask oil and gas executives, business and community leaders, economists, and environmentalists to come together to talk about the future of climate policy in […]

Can We Tackle Traffic Congestion & Climate Change with the Same Policy? Some Grist for the Mill

Climate and Energy Livable Cities

On this #WonkWednesday we explore the weird policy space between congestion pricing and carbon pricing. This recent Grist article by Ben Adler poses the important question: how best do we align our transportation policies with our climate goals? In doing so, Adler debates the merits of potential distance-based road charging versus existing gas taxes. But […]

Steve Williams, President & CEO, Suncor Energy - Speaking at In This Together: Carbon Pricing and Alberta's Family Business - Oil and Gas Industry - SGER

Keynote address by Steve Williams, President and CEO of Suncor at In This Together

Climate and Energy

Keynote address by Steve Williams, President and CEO of Suncor Energy, at In This Together: Carbon Pricing and Alberta’s Family Business, in Calgary, Alberta on May 22, 2015. Read the related opinion editorial in the Calgary Herald from May 21, 2015 Good morning everyone and welcome.It’s great to see so many familiar faces here.  A […]

Improved carbon pricing could make socially responsible investing easier

Improved carbon pricing could make socially-conscious investing easier

Climate and Energy

This Report on Business Commentary piece on social responsible investing by Chris Ragan originally appeared in the Globe and Mail on May 18, 2015. Interest in “socially responsible” investing is growing quickly, and it’s often driven by concerns over climate change. The movement to divest from fossil-fuel companies is sweeping university campuses, foundations and institutional […]