Driving towards cleaner transportation: low-carbon fuel standards

Driving towards cleaner transportation: low-carbon fuel standards

Climate and Energy

Canada is moving full-steam ahead on carbon pricing. But what other policies might best complement carbon pricing? We’re in the midst of exploring this question, but our most recent report on biofuel policies found that flexible performance standards, including low carbon fuel standards (LCFS) might be a better complement than existing biofuel policies. First things […]

(Dis)Incentives by Design: Carbon pricing and biofuels in Canada

(Dis)Incentives by Design: Carbon pricing and biofuels in Canada

Climate and Energy

A core plank of carbon pricing is that it provides an incentive to use lower-carbon alternatives. In the case of transportation fuels, carbon pricing should make fossil fuels relatively more expensive compared to things like biofuels or other emerging low-carbon technologies, and make petroleum fuels less attractive. But do the four carbon pricing systems in […]

TLDR: The skinny on Ecofiscal’s latest report about biofuel policies

TLDR: The skinny on Ecofiscal’s latest report about biofuel policies

Climate and Energy

The Ecofiscal Commission’s latest report, Course Correction, looks at the economic and environmental case for biofuel policies in Canada. If you don’t have time to read the report, here’s what you need to know. Canadian governments have supported the production and use of biofuels for over two decades (see here for a quick intro to […]

Self-driving cars: A techno-utopia or an eco-nightmare?

Climate and Energy Livable Cities Pollution Technology and Innovation

by Simon Altman Elon Musk recently announced that Tesla will have a fully autonomous car ready by 2020, and Tesla is not alone. As this technology moves from dream to reality, some have started to discuss the opportunities it will present, while others are stuck dwelling on the risks. In this blog we explore these […]

The Beef with Beef

Climate and Energy

Beef often gets a pretty hard time when it comes to its environmental impact. In this blog, I take a look at why that is, and what we could do about it. First things first Before we get into it, let’s begin with an important preamble: 1) Personally, I think beef’s delicious 2) I’m not […]