Refrigerators and spray cans: HFC policies are a perfect complement to carbon pricing

Refrigerators and spray cans: HFC policies are a perfect complement to carbon pricing

Climate and Energy Pollution

Part three of our blog series on complementary climate policies explores the recent global agreement to curb the use of hydrofluorocarbons—a potent greenhouse gas used in refrigerators, air conditioners, and spray cans. Specifically, we look at how a targeted policy that reduces HFCs under the global agreement is a complement to carbon pricing here in […]

Are policies that support Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) worth it?

Climate and Energy

This blog is the second in a series on the role of non-pricing climate policies. Can other policies substitute (i.e., be an alternative) for carbon pricing? Can they complement (i.e., work in addition) carbon pricing? In this blog, I consider policies that provide financial support for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), using Saskatchewan and its […]

Carbon Pricing and Innovation

Carbon Pricing and Innovation

Climate and Energy Technology and Innovation

“Innovation” is buzzy these days, with lots of smart people thinking and writing about the role of policy in driving innovation to improve productivity and economic growth. And yes, innovation is great. It lets us use inputs—like capital, labour, and resources—more efficiently. It’s especially important in our efforts to reduce GHG emissions: innovation around new […]

climate policy

Assessing our emerging pan-Canadian climate policy

Climate and Energy

by Commissioners Paul Boothe, Mel Cappe, Don Drummond, Glen Hodgson, Richard Lipsey, Nancy Olewiler, France St-Hilaire and Christopher Ragan For almost three years, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission has been actively engaged in discussions about carbon pricing across the country. We have spoken with many governments, opposition parties, business groups and environmental organizations. Our emphasis has been […]