A waste opportunity: Canada can—and should—make its solid waste systems more efficient

Livable Cities

Garbage might be stinky, but it offers a refreshing source of common ground. We can all agree that generating less garbage is a good thing. We can also probably agree that we should manage our garbage in ways that reduce health and environmental risks to our communities. When it comes to managing our solid waste, […]

water user fees

TLDR: How user fees can improve the environmental and financial sustainability of municipal water and wastewater services


It’s easy to forget how important municipal water and wastewater services are in our daily lives. These complex systems treat and deliver water for millions of Canadian households and businesses—vital to our health, the economy, and the environment. Yet municipal water systems across Canada face significant challenges. The Ecofiscal Commission’s latest report, Only the Pipes […]

place setting - setting the table for complementary climate policies

TLDR – A digest of our new report Supporting Carbon Pricing

Climate and Energy

With the signing of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Climate Change and Clean Growth in December 2016, nationwide carbon pricing is on its way in Canada. In addition, the provinces and the federal government are putting a range of other, non-pricing climate policies on the table. But how can they ensure that these policies genuinely complement […]

TLDR: The skinny on Ecofiscal’s latest report about biofuel policies

TLDR: The skinny on Ecofiscal’s latest report about biofuel policies

Climate and Energy

The Ecofiscal Commission’s latest report, Course Correction, looks at the economic and environmental case for biofuel policies in Canada. If you don’t have time to read the report, here’s what you need to know. Canadian governments have supported the production and use of biofuels for over two decades (see here for a quick intro to […]

Comparing Stringency of Carbon Pricing Policies

TLDR: Comparing Stringency of Carbon Pricing Policies

Climate and Energy

We have a new report out this week on comparing the stringency of provincial carbon pricing policies. In case you don’t have time to read it all, this blog provides quick overview of the essentials. Be sure to check out the full report for (much) more detail. Comparing stringency is important… but trickier than it […]

TLDR: Choose wisely when recycling revenue from carbon pricing

Climate and Energy

The Ecofiscal Commission’s new report takes a look at how provinces could use revenues generated by a carbon tax or cap-and-trade system. In case you don’t have time to read the report in full, here are the essentials. Provinces are moving forward with carbon pricing to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in a cost-effective way. […]