Research & Reports

Course Correction: It’s Time to Rethink Canadian Biofuel Policies

We assess the economic and environmental case for biofuel policies in Canada and examine the extent to which biofuel policies have achieved their stated objectives. The report finds that biofuels policies have reduced GHG emissions by 3 Mt per year, however they have done so at a very high cost. Finally, we conclude that low-carbon transportation policies are still needed to complement carbon pricing policies.

Comparing Stringency of Carbon Pricing Policies

Comparing Stringency of Carbon Pricing Policies

More stringent carbon pricing policy leads to greater emissions reductions. This report seeks to provide governments with a common, consistent framework for comparing the stringency of provincial carbon pricing policies. It considers five metrics of stringency, including two new metrics that seek to account for design differences between provincial policies.

Choose Wisely: Options and Trade-offs in Recycling Carbon Pricing Revenues

The primary objective of carbon pricing is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But the price is only half the story. Carbon pricing can generate substantial revenue for provincial governments. How this revenue is recycled back into the economy can affect both economic and environmental objectives. Provinces need to choose wisely their portfolio of revenue recycling options.

Provincial Carbon Pricing and Household Fairness

Provincial Carbon Pricing and Household Fairness

While a $30 carbon price in Canadian provinces would impose small costs on households, fairness concerns can be successfully addressed through revenue recycling. As a result, fairness concerns should not be an obstacle to implementing carbon pricing.

Provincial Carbon Pricing and Competitiveness Pressures - Ecofiscal Commission - carbon competitiveness

Provincial Carbon Pricing and Competitiveness Pressures

In Canada, only a small number of industries, representing a small share of our economy, would face competitiveness concerns resulting from comparatively higher carbon prices. However, lowering carbon emissions and keeping businesses competitive require addressing these challenges. Provincial governments can do so effectively with targeted, transparent, and temporary policy measures.