Figures & Tables


Figure 1: Global Biofuels Production, 1983–2014
Figure 1: Global Biofuels Production, 1983–2014
Figure 2: Canadian Production of Ethanol and Biodiesel, 2001–2015
Figure 2: Canadian Production of Ethanol and Biodiesel, 2001–2015
Figure 3: Life-cycle CO2 Emissions of Various Biofuels
Figure 3: Life-cycle CO2 Emissions of Various Biofuels
Figure 4: Global Emissions Reductions From Canadian Policies
Figure 4: Global Emissions Reductions From Canadian Policies
Figure 5: Domestic Emissions Reductions From Canadian Policies
Figure 5: Domestic Emissions Reductions From Canadian Policies
Figure 6: Wholesale Prices of Ethanol and Gasoline, 2012–2015
Figure 6: Wholesale Prices of Ethanol and Gasoline, 2012–2015
Figure 7: Wholesale Prices of Biodiesel and Diesel, 2012–2015
Figure 7: Wholesale Prices of Biodiesel and Diesel, 2012–2015


Table 1: Production Costs of Fuels per 100 km at Different Crude Oil Prices
Table 1: Production Costs of Fuels per 100 km at Different Crude Oil Prices
Table 2: Types of Biofuel Policies Used in Canada
Table 2: Types of Biofuel Policies Used in Canada
Table 3: Renewable Fuel Mandates in Canada
Table 3: Renewable Fuel Mandates in Canada
Table 4: Estimated Global Emissions Reductions (Mt CO2e)
Table 4: Estimated Global Emissions Reductions (Mt CO2e)
Table 5: Estimated Canadian Emissions Reductions (Mt CO2e)
Table 5: Estimated Canadian Emissions Reductions (Mt CO2e)
Table 6: Average Annual Emissions Reductions, 2010–2015 (Mt CO2e)
Table 6: Average Annual Emissions Reductions, 2010–2015 (Mt CO2e)
Table 7: Estimated Consumer Costs of Biofuel Policies ($ Millions)
Table 7: Estimated Consumer Costs of Biofuel Policies ($ Millions)
Table 8: Estimated Fiscal Costs of Canadian Production Subsidies ($ Millions)
Table 8: Estimated Fiscal Costs of Canadian Production Subsidies ($ Millions)
Table 9: Estimated Total Costs of Biofuel Policies ($ Millions)
Table 9: Estimated Total Costs of Biofuel Policies ($ Millions)
Table 10: Per-Tonne Cost of Emissions Reductions From Biofuel Policies
Table 10: Per-Tonne Cost of Emissions Reductions From Biofuel Policies
Table 11: Estimated Effects of Biofuel Policies (With Higher Carbon Intensities)
Table 11: Estimated Effects of Biofuel Policies (With Higher Carbon Intensities)
Table 12: Air Pollution Impacts From the Production and Combustion of Biofuels
Table 12: Air Pollution Impacts From the Production and Combustion of Biofuels