Press Releases

Hidden climate policies have higher costs than carbon pricing: Ecofiscal Commission

In its final report, the Ecofiscal Commission takes a closer look at Canada’s options for achieving its 2030 greenhouse gas emissions target. To reduce costs, carbon pricing should play a central role. To achieve our GHG target, carbon prices should continue to rise. Other policy approaches, though less visible, are more costly for Canadians. Ottawa, […]

Now available on demand: Ecofiscal Commission online course on using market-based tools to make municipalities more sustainable

Municipalities are missing out on the full potential of market-based tools! Municipal governments are facing multiple, growing, and overlapping challenges. Yet, there are tools available to address these challenges that are not being used to their full potential. Market-based policies such as well-designed user fees can help reduce traffic, cut water use, and improve solid […]

Ecofiscal Commission calls for a more honest conversation about carbon pricing

Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission debunks 10 common myths about carbon pricing with the evidence in new report. Ottawa, March 25, 2019—Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission today released a new report, Ten Myths about Carbon Pricing in Canada. Canadians can see and feel the effects of climate change—from forest fires to floods that threaten our homes, to pollution that threatens […]

La Commission de l’écofiscalité demande plus d’honnêteté dans le débat sur la tarification du carbone

Dans un nouveau rapport, la Commission de l’écofiscalité du Canada réfute 10 mythes répandus au sujet de la tarification du carbone – preuves à l’appui. Ottawa, 25 mars 2019. La Commission de l’écofiscalité du Canada publie aujourd’hui un nouveau rapport intitulé Dix mythes sur la tarification du carbone au Canada. Les Canadiens peuvent voir et ressentir […]

Ecofiscal Commission urges municipalities and provinces to make solid waste management systems more efficient by getting incentives right

Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission finds that improving solid waste policies can make waste systems more efficient—saving money while reducing the trash we create. Ottawa, October 16, 2018—Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission today released a new report, Cutting the Waste: How to save money while improving our solid waste systems. Canadians are generating more solid waste than ever before. […]

Ecofiscal Commission launches new online course on designing and implementing market-based tools to make municipalities more sustainable

Municipalities are missing out on the full potential of market-based tools! Municipal governments are facing multiple, growing, and overlapping challenges. Yet, there are tools available to address these challenges that are not being used to their full potential. Market-based policies such as well-designed user fees can help reduce traffic, cut water use, and improve solid […]