Reducing congestion in Montreal using pricing

Event Details

  • Thursday November 12, 2015
  • 9:00 - 11:30 AM
  • Free
  • Amphithéâtre (SH-2800) du pavillon Sherbrooke
    200 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
    Montréal (Québec)
    H2X 3P2

Reducing congestion in Montreal using pricing

During Forum Urba 2015 – UQAM, in partnership with Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission.

In Montreal and in major Canadian cities alike, the issues around congestion are complex and concerning mostly because of the associated costs and the impact on travel times. We now know that building more road infrastructure is not the solution. Ecofiscal policies, in particular congestion pricing, can help solve this problem and provide the missing piece for the transportation strategy of large cities. The representatives of Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission will present different pricing approaches to reduce traffic congestion in Canadian cities, while also contributing to an innovative economy. The presentation will be followed by a panel of experts who will discuss the different solutions that could be implemented in the Montreal area.

Come and discuss these issues with key figures from the transportation, business, academic, environmental and economic fields.



Florence Junca Adenot

Professor, Department of urban and tourism studies

Director of FORUM URBA 2015, UQAM

Professeure et directrice du FORUM URBA 2015 UQAM (plate forme de réflexion sur les conditions de réussite des villes de l’avenir), elle a occupé plusieurs postes de vice-rectrice à l’UQAM, de présidente de la Société immobilière du patrimoine de Montréal (SIMPA), de fondatrice et présidente de l’Agence métropolitaine de Transport. Elle agit comme expert conseil et conférencière en transport, gestion de projet et planification.

Elle est très impliquée dans le domaine culturel et le développement urbain, ayant fondé et présidé l’Agora de la Danse, le Centre Pierre Péladeau, la Corporation du Faubourg Saint Laurent, ICI Environnement, LARSI, la revue Actualité Immobilière, Sourire. Elle est présidente de plusieurs conseils d’administration, co préside l’AGORA métropolitaine 2015 et préside les fêtes 2017 de Boucherville.

Récipiendaire d’une quinzaine de prix, elle détient une maitrise en sociologie, un MBA et un doctorat en sciences économiques et est Fellow Cirano.

Presentation from Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission


Chris Ragan

Chair, Canada's Ecofiscal Commission
McGill University, Department of Economics

Christopher Ragan has been teaching economics at McGill University since 1989. He is also a Research Fellow at the C.D. Howe Institute where from 2010 through 2013 he held the Institute’s David Dodge Chair in Monetary Policy, and for many years was a member of the Institute’s Monetary Policy Council. From January 2009 through June 2010, he was the Clifford Clark Visiting Economist at the Department of Finance in Ottawa, where he served as a senior advisor to the Minister and other senior Finance officials. During 2004-05, he served as the Special Advisor to the Governor of the Bank of Canada.

Ragan is the author of Economics (formerly co-authored with Richard Lipsey), which after fourteen editions is still the most widely used introductory economics textbook in Canada. Ragan also has a regular column in The Globe and Mail. During the mid-1990s he was the founding Editor-in-Chief of World Economic Affairs.

Chris Ragan received his B. A. (Honours) in economics in 1984 from the University of Victoria and his Master’s degree in economics from Queen’s University in 1985. He then moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts where he completed his Ph.D. in economics at M.I.T. in 1989.



Université de Montréal, HEC Montréal

Paul Lanoie is currently a professor of economics at HEC Montreal. He holds a M.Sc. in management from HEC Montreal and a Ph.D. in economics from Queen’s University. Since 1992, he teaches mainly courses in the area of sustainable development and environmental economics. In particular, he has regularly taught this topic to managers in the energy sector in Mexico, Algeria and China.

He has also coauthored more than 50 academic articles published in leading journals like Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and Ecological Economics. His research focuses on the various impacts of environmental policies on firms, and on the different ways firms can reconcile their environmental and financial performances.

He has occupied various administrative positions at HEC Montreal: Editor of L’Actualité économique, director of the economics department, director of the bachelor in business administration program, director of sustainable development and director of academic affairs.



Paul Journet

Editorial writer, La Presse

Titulaire d’une scolarité de maîtrise en philosophie à l’Université de Montréal, Paul Journet écrit pour La Presse depuis 2004. Il y a notamment couvert les actualités générales et la politique à l’Assemblée nationale, où il a été président de la Tribune de la presse. Éditorialiste depuis 2014, il s’intéresse particulièrement à la politique et à l’environnement.



Marc Cadieux

Chief Executive Officer, Quebec Trucking Association
M. Marc Cadieux a occupé plusieurs postes de haut niveau dans le domaine des affaires publiques et gouvernementales ainsi que dans les secteurs industriel, commercial et hôtelier. Il siège et participe à de nombreux comités et tables gouvernementales liées à l’industrie du camionnage. Il est aussi membre de l’exécutif du Conseil d’administration de l’Alliance Canadienne du Camionnage.

Avocat et membre du Barreau du Québec et du « Canadian Transport Lawyers Association », il est président-directeur général de l’Association du camionnage du Québec depuis 2001, où il veille à garantir la représentativité et la défense des intérêts des transporteurs.

Fondée en 1951, l’Association du camionnage du Québec représente 75 % des détenteurs québécois de flottes de cinq véhicules motorisés et plus destinés au transport général contre rémunération. En plus de regrouper un nombre important de transporteurs pour compte propre et de fournisseurs de produits et services à
l’industrie, elle compte plus de 500 membres, qui assument 80 % du volume de marchandises transportées contre rémunération au Québec. Comme chef de file
de l’industrie du transport routier des marchandises au Québec, l’Association a pour mission d’y promouvoir les normes d’éthique, de sécurité et d’efficacité. Dans cette perspective, la formation constitue l’une de ses priorités.


Coralie Deny

Executive Director, Montreal Regional Enviroment Council (CRE)
Titulaire d’une maîtrise en sciences de l’environnement de l’UQAM, Coralie Deny travaille depuis 2001 au Conseil régional de l’environnement de Montréal (CRE-Montréal), l’instance régionale de concertation en environnement. Elle y a été pendant huit ans responsable des dossiers relatifs aux espaces verts, à la qualité de l’eau et de l’air, et à la gestion des matières résiduelles. Depuis 2010, elle occupe la fonction de directrice générale du CRE-Montréal. Par ailleurs, elle siège sur plusieurs conseils d’administration dont celui de la Maison du développement durable, du Forum régional de développement social de l’île de Montréal et de Concertation Montréal. Elle est aussi membre de plusieurs comités et tables de concertation, dont les Alliances TRANSIT et Mouvement Ceinture Verte, le Comité de liaison du Plan de développement durable de la collectivité montréalaise 2010-2015, la Table de concertation du Mont Royal, le Comité permanent de suivi des eaux usées de Montréal, le Comité de travail de la collectivité montréalaise en agriculture urbaine, le Comité institutionnel d’application de la Politique en matière d’environnement de l’UQAM, le Comité sur les grands projets de développement et d’aménagement du Territoire de Culture Montréal, le Comité conseil sur les matières résiduelles du Ministre du MDDELCC, le Comité des programmes et subventions de la Fondation du Grand Montréal, le Conseil stratégique Table de concertation régionale Haut-Saint-Laurent – Grand Montréal, le Conseil d’orientation GSEF2016 (Global Social Economy Forum).


Michel Leblanc

President and Chief Executive Officer, Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal
Michel Leblanc is President and CEO of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal, Quebec’s leading private economic development organization. In this position, he is the official spokesperson of the organization, and is responsible for planning, managing, coordinating and monitoring all its operations.

With extensive experience in the public and private sectors, Michel Leblanc has an in-depth knowledge of metropolitan issues. A trained economist, he has a clear understanding of economic questions and the challenges facing the business community.

Recognized expert in strategy and in economic development, Michel Leblanc was an Associate Partner at SECOR. He had previously occupied senior-level positions at Génome Québec, Montréal International, and the Institute for Research on Public Policy. He has also worked as an economist for the Department of Finance Canada.

Michel Leblanc received a Bachelor of science in economics in 1987 and a Master of science in economics in 1992 from Université de Montréal. He has been named the 2009 honorary graduate of the Université de Montréal’s Economics Department. In October 2012, he was honoured by the Université de Montréal’s alumni association for his professional achievements.

Michel Leblanc chairs the board of directors of MONTRÉAL EN LUMIÈRE. He also sits on the boards of directors of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal Foundation, the Institut des troubles d’apprentissage (Institut TA) and C2 Montréal. He chairs the Steering Committee of the Stratégie commune d’intervention pour le Grand Montréal 2013-2015 for francization issues. He is also a member of the Conseil emploi métropole, of the Comité directeur sur la mobilité des personnes et des biens dans la grande région de Montréal (Mobilité Montréal), and of the Steering Committee of Montréal, Cultural Metropolis. He is also ambassador of the Quartier de l’innovation (QI).


Pierre-Olivier Pineau

Professor and Chair in Energy Sector Management, HEC Montréal

Pierre-Oliver Pineau (PhD, HEC Montréal, 2000) is a professor at the Department of Decision Sciences of HEC Montréal and holds the Chair in Energy Sector Management since Decembre 2013. He is an energy policy and management specialist, with a focus on electricity reforms. His research focuses on electricity market integration and on optimal approaches to balance energy production and consumption.

He worked in Canada, Africa, Latin America and the Nordic countries and has published papers on all these regions. He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the International Journal of Energy Sector Management. He is a member of CIRODD (Interuniversity Research Centre for the Operationalization Sustainable Development) and of CRÉ (Ethics research center). He held positions in Canada at the University of Victoria (School of Public Administration, 2001-2006) and at Concordia University (Economics Department, 2000-2001). He sits on the Board of directors of the Canadian Association for Energy Economics.

Register Now


  • 8:00 am: Doors open
  • 9:00 am: Welcome
    • Florence Junca Adenot, Professor, Department of urban and tourism studies, and Director of FORUM URBA 2015, UQAM
  • 9:05 am: Presentation from Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission

    • Chris Ragan, Chair, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission, McGill University, Department of Economics
    • Paul Lanoie, Professor, HEC, and commissioner, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission
  • 9:30 am: Panel and Q&A
    • Moderator: Paul Journet, Editorial writer, La Presse
    • Panellists:
      • Marc Cadieux, Chief Executive Officer, Quebec Trucking Association
      • Coralie Deny, Executive Director, Montreal Regional Enviroment Council (CRE
      • Michel Leblanc, President and Chief Executive Officer, Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal
      • Pierre-Olivier Pineau, Professor and Chair in Energy Sector Management, HEC Montréal
  • 11:15 am: Closing remarks

    • Florence Junca Adenot, Professor, Department of urban and tourism studies, and Director of FORUM URBA 2015, UQAM


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