Event Details
- Tuesday, June 20, 2017
- 1:00-2:00 pm EST
- Free
- Online
Genuine complements to carbon pricing
Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission’s latest report, Supporting Carbon Pricing: How to identify policies that genuinely complement an economy-wide carbon price, provides governments with a framework to identify these policies. In particular the report provides three rationales for when non-pricing policies are justified: they fill a gap in carbon pricing policies (gap-fillers), they boost the signal of the carbon price (signal-boosters), or they generate significant co-benefits (benefit-expanders).
In this webinar Jason Dion will go through the findings and recommendations of the report, and answer questions.

Research AssociateJason is a Research Associate with Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission. Before joining the Commission, he worked as a project manager and economist at the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), where his work focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation, green public procurement, and sustainable infrastructure. Jason is the author of numerous publications, including environmental fiscal reform studies for the governments of Mauritius and Mozambique, funded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Prior to IISD he worked as a consultant for EnviroEconomics and Global Advantage Consulting. Jason is a graduate of the MA Economics program at York University, and holds a certificate from Laval University’s Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) in development policy modelling. Outside of work he enjoys spending time with his wife Fiona and dog ‘Beans’, and bringing an economist’s obsession with efficiency to his small urban garden.